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Interior Pier Services

Non-invasive, affordable, effective — we've got you covered!

Interior Pier Services

The average house weighs a lot and requires a solid base to prevent it from sinking into the earth. Without its foundation, your home wouldn’t be much of a home. For this reason, foundations are built to be solid and are meant to last for a long time. However, over the years, constant load-bearing mixed with the harsh forces of the elements can weaken even the strongest of foundations, leaving the entire house at risk.

Luckily, whenever you’re dealing with foundation issues and find yourself looking for the highest quality repair services possible, the team here at Hercules Foundation Repair has you covered!

With over 45 years of experience, we’re committed to providing our community with a solid base they can depend on for foundation services. We know that without a quality foundation, your home wouldn’t be standing — and we approach every job with the total weight of that responsibility on our shoulders. We’re committed to bearing that load with just as much strength as the foundations we install.

Interior Pier Foundation Repair

Because the job of your home’s foundation is so important, repairing it can be an extensive job that requires a lot of time, effort and resources. If you’re seeking a less invasive foundation repair option, then the team here at Hercules might have the solution for you with our interior pier foundation repair.

foundation technician in a hole in the ground repairing the concrete slab under a home in south texas

What Is Interior Pier Foundation Repair?

With our interior pier foundation repair, instead of full-on replacement, your current foundation will be amended and supported by a series of additional piers installed directly into the floor from the interior of your home.

The piers will work to redistribute the weight of your home by being anchored to your existing foundation and secured into the ground. This will help correct and reinforce the faults in your current foundation.

Interior piers are not always the best solution for your foundation repair, but that’s why our experts are the best option to find out which foundation repair solution is the most effective for your home.

Benefits Of An Interior Pier Solution

Many benefits come with foundation repair from the home’s interior rather than soil excavation. Some of the most prominent advantages are listed below.


Interior pier represents one of the most cost-effective foundation repair options. This is because, in general, the method of installing piers from the interior of the home is far less extensive and invasive than alternative methods that require thorough excavation of the earth around your home.

More Noninvasive Than Other Foundation Repair

Aside from lowering the cost, being one of the noninvasive repair methods comes with a few other benefits, including fast installation, long-lasting results and versatility. Not to mention that this process reduces the impact on your property and landscaping!

Fast Installation

One benefit that greatly helps minimize the inconvenience homeowners face during repairs, interior pier solutions are generally implemented much faster than other solutions thanks to not requiring extensive excavation.

Long Lasting

It would be reasonable to assume that the less costly, noninvasive option might come with the drawback of longevity, but fortunately, with interior piers, that’s not an issue.

When properly installed, interior piers can last decades, most coming with a manufacturer’s warranty. Additionally, the professionals here at Hercules are proud to offer our ten-year warranty plans for all our pier and beam services.


Interior piers also represent one of the most versatile options on the market, able to be installed in a vast range of scenarios to support failing foundations adequately.

Have No Fear — Hercules Is Here With Interior Pier

When your foundation has seen better days and you find yourself in search of the highest quality South Texas interior pier repair possible, call the professionals here at Hercules Foundation Repair now!

With 24/7 customer service, free estimates and no service fees to speak of, we do our best to be the foundation you can stand on when it comes to all things regarding your home’s foundation. Let our team keep your home standing strong, HERCULES STRONG!

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