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San Antonio, TX
Symptoms Of Foundation Damage

South Texas Foundation Settlement

Combat shifting soil and restore your home's stability

Foundation Settling Repair In San Antonio, TX

Everything is bigger in Texas, including the likelihood of structural settlement! The soil conditions in the Lone Star State are prone to movement over time. Luckily, Hercules Foundation Repair offers dependable services to combat common foundation problems, including settling.

Permeable clay soils retain moisture and expand during periods of rainfall. However, the hot southern climate can cause dirt to retract as it dries. This process causes shifting that takes a toll on the structural integrity of homes in the area, leading to settlement in some cases.

With thorough structural repairs and efficient house leveling services, our company takes measures to restore your home’s durability. Trust our experts for structural solutions that leave a lasting impression on your property!

How Much Foundation Movement Is Acceptable?

It’s normal for your foundation to shift over time. However, it’s crucial to monitor your space to ensure it’s not shifting in a concerning manner. Soil conditions, climate and the number of stories of your home are factors that can determine how much shifting is acceptable.

In general, a home that moves that half an inch to one inch over a 20-foot span is deemed appropriate. For newly constructed properties, it’s normal if the foundation sinks two to three inches, assuming it settles evenly.

Signs Of Foundation Settlement

Your property is a critical investment, which is why it’s important to take care of it! It can be challenging to determine if your home is structurally sound, especially because we spend most of our time inside it. Luckily, a few signs can help alert you that settlement is occurring.

Cracks In Foundation

Settling homes will often develop hairline cracks along their foundations. These naturally occurring cracks are usually one-eighth of an inch wide but can undergo simple repairs if caught early.

For cracks larger than one-fourth of an inch, it’s crucial to have them inspected by one of our structural experts. We can perform slab foundation repair services to correct the issue.

Sticking Windows And Doors

Have you ever heard the saying “When one door closes, another one opens?” While this may be an inspirational quote to apply to everyday life, it’s one that often doesn’t apply to doors that witness structural settlement.

A settling property can cause door and window frames to move out of place. Like an incorrect puzzle piece, it can be challenging trying to close them back into the proper position. If you notice doors or windows that have difficulty closing or sticking, your home is likely experiencing a settling issue.

Cabinets Pull Away From Walls

Similarly, structural movement can cause the framing of your home to move out of alignment with the floor. This shift can result in kitchen and bathroom cabinets pulling away from the wall. Not only is this a hazard in itself, but it also indicates larger issues that require professional attention.

Sloping Floors

Uneven floors are a common occurrence when property movement occurs. The flooring may dip or become wavy, indicating a shift in the framing of your home. Hercules Foundation Repair offers leveling services to combat unwanted movement.

After conducting a thorough assessment of your home, we’ll develop a custom plan to restore your home to the proper level.

What Causes A Foundation To Settle?

After a long day at work, you’re likely exhausted and ready to unwind in the comfort of your home. Most people have experienced a day so tiring that they walk through the door and immediately sink into the couch. This concept is universal, and one that your home can experience to some degree.

While your house may not have a literal job, it’s responsible for providing a roof over your head. Many things can wear your property’s support system out, causing it to sink. A few common causes of settlement include:

  • Poor soil compaction
  • Climate-related soil expansion and contraction
  • Tree roots near the base of your home
  • Inadequate drainage

Hercules Foundation Repair offers trusted structural services to ensure your home remains sturdy and strong. We’re here to help develop a plan for your property that protects it against damaging settlement.

Combat Structural Issues With Hercules Foundation Repair

For reliable foundation repair services in San Antonio, Houston and Victoria — reach out to Hercules Foundation Repair! Our local structural repair experts strive to maintain durable properties across Texas. Contact us today to explore our settling solutions and comprehensive financing options.

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